every wednesday : 23h > 00h on Radio Panik 105.4 FM Brussels: Listen
Brad Downey
Francis Alys
Vernon & Burns
48 minutes sound-walk in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, Hong-Kong, Kinshasa, London, Seoul...
by Phonotopy.
Tétra 12. a-download
Tétra 12. b
wednesday, april 12th 2011
wednesday, april 19th 2011
Enregistré au studio SOLEIL VERT a Strasbourg en 2006.
1-générique tétraèdre.
2-Première polyphonie du 12 éme siècle.
3-"KYRIE" messe de notre dame , composée par Guillaume de Machaut, 14 éme siècle.
4-"GLORIA" messe de notre dame , composée par Guillaume de Machaut, 14 éme siècle.
by Aymeric de Tapol.
Tétra 12. c-download
wednesday, april 26th 2011
Public dress rehearsal of -auborddugouffre- directed by lucille Calmel on march 14th at Tanneurs theater/Brussels.
from -close to the knives- by david Wojnarowicz, translation: laurence Viallet
Aymeric de Tapol: rec Top Quality
Jeanfrancois Blanquet: editing and disto.
Sebastien Lentheric: mic, voice, laptop.
Mathias Varenne: mic, voice and mp3 player+guitar amp.
Gaêtan Rusquet: neon light and chicken hit.
Lucille Calmel: NY city sounds.
Mathias Beyler: laptop.
Philippe Boisnard: pure data
Jeanfrancois Blanquet: guitar and electronics feedback.
Tétra 12. d-download
wednesday, april 05th 2011