every wednesday : 23h > 00h on Radio Panik 105.4 FM Brussels : Listen
Secrets Trahis (trois gestes d' eL-g)
Opéra Mort
Reines d'Angleterre
Amiral Prose
Tétra 10. a-
Tétra 10. b-download
wednesday, february 08th 2011
wednesday, february 15th 2011
A text by: Jean-Philippe Convert :
"L'amant, mon amant chamanique".
Male voice: Jean-Philippe Convert.
Female voice : Angela Tarrantino.
Recording and mixing : Jeanfrancois Blanquet.
Recorded in 6 different media through a walk in the city of Brussels, separate ways, the girl and the boy.
Tétra 10. c-download
wednesday, february 22th 2011
20 minutes inside New-York.
Note: for the puriste of field recording, sorry for the quality...
Recorded in 2005 by Aymeric de Tapol.
Tétra 10. d-download
wednesday, february 01th 2011